Online Live Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is a dynamic and powerful tool uniquely suited for the high-pressure, stressful times we live in. Through a combination of movement, posture, breath work, meditation, and mantras, Kundalini Yoga aims to strengthen the nervous system, release deeply held stress / trauma, and cultivating the ability to self-regulate under challenging circumstances.
Tuesdays at 9am MST
Current Theme – Exploring a Shamanic Lens within the World of Kundalini Yoga
What’s a Class Like?
- Each class has a topic and usually is part of a series of classes with an overarching theme
- Classes are 1 hour 25 minutes long
- We tune in to open the class
- Starting with a balanced range of warmups to awaken the entire body
- A 10 minute dharma talk on the topic of the class
- A focused kriya corresponding with the topic of the class
- Deep relaxation
- A focused meditation corresponding with the topic of the class
- We close with 3 long satnaams and a blessing
- After class there is space for Q&A to expand / offer perspectives on any topics