Online Live Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is a dynamic and powerful tool uniquely suited for the high-pressure, stressful times we live in. Through a combination of movement, posture, breath work, meditation, and mantras, Kundalini Yoga aims to strengthen the nervous system, release deeply held stress / trauma, and cultivating the ability to self-regulate under challenging circumstances.

Tuesdays at 9am MST

Current Theme – Exploring a Shamanic Lens within the World of Kundalini Yoga

Drop In $15 10 Class Pass $120

What’s a Class Like?

  • Each class has a topic and usually is part of a series of classes with an overarching theme
  • Classes are 1 hour 25 minutes long
  • We tune in to open the class
  • Starting with a balanced range of warmups to awaken the entire body
  • A 10 minute dharma talk on the topic of the class
  • A focused kriya corresponding with the topic of the class
  • Deep relaxation
  • A focused meditation corresponding with the topic of the class
  • We close with 3 long satnaams and a blessing
  • After class there is space for Q&A to expand / offer perspectives on any topics


The Essence of Multiple Spiritual Pathways

In my 7 years of practicing Kundalini yoga, I’ve experienced very few teachers with the depth of personal understanding and the ability to share the essence of multiple spiritual pathways that Ram Krishan Khalsa offers in every class he teaches.

Peace and Joy Spreads Throughout My Day

Your classes are always a joy.  You have a very peaceful , calm manner that helps the class to feel very nurturing and brings comfort to even the difficult parts. I do truly look forward to it every week. The  feeling of peace and joy I get from your class spreads throughout all aspects of my day.

Balance Between Shakti Energy and Bhakti Devotion

Ram Krishan’s kundalini classes have been transformational for me. He teaches a beautiful and important balance between Shakti energy and Bhakti devotion, and how to integrate the practice into everyday life. I usually find myself walking out of the studio with a new perspective.